On 7/07/2011 12:39 PM, Joe Lester wrote:

DETAIL:  The failed archive command was: /usr/bin/scp -B 
LOG:  archiver process (PID 17771) exited with exit code 1
unknown user 502

That tells you what's wrong. Use ID 502 will be the user "postgres", most likely.

It works from your user account because you'll be running it under your own user ID. If you ran it from the "postgres" user ID using:

   sudo -u postgres /usr/bin/scp ......

it'd probably fail the same way.

Make sure you can successfully scp from the postgres user account and you should be fine. This may require accepting an interactive prompt about an unknown host key or manually adding the target server to the $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts file of the postgres user account. You may also have to add any SSH private keys required to the postgres account's .ssh directory.

Craig Ringer

POST Newspapers
276 Onslow Rd, Shenton Park
Ph: 08 9381 3088     Fax: 08 9388 2258
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