
I've what I believe your saying is the one that is in the contrib directory
now should work fine on Window 64

"Hiroshi Saito" <hiro...@winpg.jp> wrote:
> Hi Grace-san.
> It is the same as windows.
> http://winpg.jp/~saito/pg_work/OSSP_win32/
> 1. Deployment of tar.gz
> 2. apply the patch
> 3. configure and build by Linux or MinGW
> 4. config.h and win32.mak are set at the head of a source tree.
> 5. nmake -f win32.mak
> It can be used by 32 bits and 64 bits.
> Regards,
> Hiroshi Saito
> (2011/06/30 22:52), Grace Batumbya wrote:
>> Hey Hiroshi,
>> Do you have a make file to compile for x64 windows?
>> May be if that is made available then ossp-uuid for x64 versions will
>> become standard.
>> *Grace Batumbya*
>> Research Assistant | Seneca CDOT
>> Phone: 416-491-5050 x3548
>> cdot.senecac.on.ca <http://cdot.senecac.on.ca/>
>> On 6/29/2011 1:02 PM, Hiroshi Saito wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> here is an excuse...
>>> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2011-06/msg00738.php
>>> Regard,
>>> Hiroshi Saito
>>> (2011/06/30 1:50), Grace Batumbya wrote:
>>>> Thanks Hiroshi, that solved the problem.
>>>> If you do not mind, how did you go about to build ossp-uuid?
>>>> *Grace Batumbya*
>>>> Research Assistant | Seneca CDOT
>>>> Phone: 416-491-5050 x3548
>>>> cdot.senecac.on.ca <http://cdot.senecac.on.ca/>
>>>> On 6/29/2011 12:38 PM, Hiroshi Saito wrote:
>>>>> Hi Grace-san.
>>>>> Is this helpful to you?
>>>>> http://winpg.jp/~saito/pg_work/OSSP_win32/build-x86-64/
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Hiroshi Saito
>>>>> (2011/06/30 1:14), Grace Batumbya wrote:
>>>>>> The installer for windows for 64bit versions of postgresql doesn't
>>>>>> include ossp-uuid.sql.
>>>>>> Does anyone know where or how to get this?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Grace Batumbya*
>>>>>> Research Assistant | Seneca CDOT
>>>>>> Phone: 416-491-5050 x3548
>>>>>> cdot.senecac.on.ca <http://cdot.senecac.on.ca/>
> -- 
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