W dniu 2011-06-30 20:20, Dmitry Koterov pisze:
And I need as compact uniq_id generation (with minimum "holes") as it possible - this is a VERY important requirement (to export these values into external systems which accepts only IDs limited from 1 to 100000).

So I cannot use sequences: sequence value is obviously not rolled back, so if I insert nextval(...) as uniq_id, I will have large holes (because of often transaction rollbacks) and exhaust 100000 uniq_ids very fast. How to deal with all this without sequences?

You may use dense_rank() (or even rank()) window function to map your sequence-with-gaps to a no-gap-id which will be used for exports.

Consider this:

test=# select uniq_id_with_gaps, dense_rank() over (order by uniq_id_with_gaps) as uniq_id_without_gaps from (select generate_series(1, 100, 7) as uniq_id_with_gaps) a;
 uniq_id_with_gaps | uniq_id_without_gaps
                 1 |                    1
                 8 |                    2
                15 |                    3
                22 |                    4
                29 |                    5
                36 |                    6
                43 |                    7
                50 |                    8
                57 |                    9
                64 |                   10
                71 |                   11
                78 |                   12
                85 |                   13
                92 |                   14
                99 |                   15

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