1) If you declare a return type setof TABLENAME the resultset will contain rows with field definitions like the table.

2) To call the function from another plpgsql function use:

    row record
    for row in select * from dates_pkg.getbusinessdays(...) Loop
    end loop

see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/plpgsql-control-structures.html#PLPGSQL-RECORDS-ITERATING

On 06/28/2011 09:34 PM, David Greco wrote:

I am porting some Oracle code to PLPGSQL and am having a problem with functions that return SETOF datatype. In Oracle, the functions I'm porting return a TABLE of TYPE datatype, this TABLE being itself a named type. I am not aware of how to do this in PLPGSQL.

Consider a function with header:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dates_pkg.getbusinessdays(pstartdate timestamp with time zone, penddate timestamp with time zone) RETURNS SETOF timestamp with time zone AS

I can easily call this function in SQL like so:

select * from dates_pkg.getbusinessdays( now(), now() + INTERVAL '7' day ) as business_day;

However, I can't figure out how to call this function from another plpgsql function. Any hints?

~Dave Greco

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