Ben Carbery wrote:

Hm, "a" isn't a variable,it's the value of stuff[1].

It's both..

    a integer;
    b integer;

The point is I want a dynamically named variable. Here I've named them the same as stuff[i] but they can be anything provided it is a different variable name on each loop iteration. The manual is not entirely clear on where loop variable substitution does and does not apply with FOR.

    Did you try
    declaring a,b,c,d as the return type of the respective functions?

How would this help?
I understand that your original post was pseudo-code, but aren't you forced into firing a fixed set of functions {stuff[]} which all use the same parameters? Seems that set of functions could be rolled into one which returns a list of values. Or are you also passing in a,b,c,d (with name-of-function values (strings)) and hoping to slam the function's return value (int?) back into the corresponding (perhaps out) parameter? Hm, you could pass in an array of names, iterate over the array, call the named function and load the return value into a single declared array, by index, in each iteration of the loop.


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