On Wed, 2011-06-22 at 09:02 -0500, Merlin Moncure wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 5:40 AM, Wim Bertels <wim.bert...@khleuven.be> wrote:
> > Hallo,
> >
> > does anyone have know of a free CRUD generator
> > for generating plpgsql functions for doing CRUD operations on all the
> > tables of a database or schema or just one table or..
> >
> > cf
> > http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/CRUD-functions-similar-to-SQL-stored-procedurs-for-postgresql-tables-td3372030.html
> > http://myleshenderson.com/index.php/2007/11/16/postgresql-insert-function-generator
> It wouldn't be that difficult to make one IMO, but are you sure you
> really want to do this? ISTM it's a bit of an anti-pattern.  If I had
that's another question/debate

and many more

there are so many ways to achieve the same goal:
- it is not only the model,
but certainly the way u use it that is important
- every aproach has it pros/cons
- eg a layered approach can be handy (cf other paradigm where this works
very nice and clear: OSI (networking))
- is the question of what is fashionable (cf scala being the new python,
where most of the devs are well skilled as i isnt mainstream yet)

> to do it, I would make a plpgsql function which would generate the
> functions by querying information_schema and generating create
> function statements via 'execute'.

i will


> merlin

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