On 27 June 2011 17:53, Asfand Qazi (Sanger Institute)
<aq2.san...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> So I have am playing with a view to test the feasibility of a
> technique for storing some data.
> It basically goes something like this:
> CREATE VIEW formatted_table AS
>       SELECT name,
>              replace(some_template, '@', some_type) AS some_field
>         FROM some_table;
> some_template is something like 'foo@bar' or 'foobar' (note the
> missing template character).
> some_type is a single letter like 'a' or 'b', or it can be NULL.
> The above view works fine for rows where some_type is a letter, and
> some_field ends up as 'fooabar' or whatever.
> However, when some_type is NULL, some_field ends up as NULL as well.
> I understand that this is expected behaviour, but how do I cause the
> view to treat a some_type of NULL as an empty string, so that
> some_field simply ends up as 'foobar'?
> Hope that was clear.

Try coalesce: 

So if foo is a null value, and you used COALESCE(foo, 'bar'), the
output would be 'bar', otherwise it would be whatever the value of foo

Thom Brown
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