At 04:13 AM 6/20/2011, Alexander Farber wrote:
why add a begin/commit if I only
have SELECT statements
there (in the default mode) and
the data isn't critical to me
(just some player statistics and
notes by other players - i.e.
a statistic or note is ok to be lost
If you're not intending to write anything to the database you could 
try do a rollback instead of commit.
I'm not familiar with your system, but if you are getting

  SQLSTATE[25P02]: In failed sql transaction:
  7 ERROR: current   transaction is aborted,
  commands ignored until end of transaction block
Maybe you can do a rollback, begin, followed by your sql statements 
then rollback again.
You would get warnings for a rollback followed by rollback, but they 
might not be fatal (not sure about your config).
There might be a problem with one of the SQL queries and that's why 
it cannot be committed.
Alternatively the program logic might be bypassing a COMMIT. A BEGIN 
followed by a BEGIN would cause an "already in transaction" error 
which would cause the "transaction is aborted" problem.

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