Hi all,

I'm seeing a bit strange (some might say inconsistent) behaviour,
possibly a bug.

First, I prepare a statement by running the query:

   "PREPARE bar (int) AS (SELECT 1, $1, 3)"

Then I try to use the generic libpq query function PQsendQueryParams
with a query of "EXECUTE bar(2)" and I get back a result set with one
record (1, 2, 3) in it.  This is fine.

But when I try to do the same but pas the 2 as a parameter,
(I do "EXECUTE bar($1)" with $1 bound to "2"), I get an error:

  ERROR:  bind message supplies 1 parameters, but prepared statement "" 
requires 0

This doesn't make much sense to me.  It's the same error you get when
trying to run a nonparameterized query like "SELECT 1" with $1 bound to

Does the query parser somehow miss the fact that there's a placeholder
in the EXECUTE statement?

I'm attempting to keep my Scheme library's API as small and simple as
possible, so I'd like to avoid having a separate procedure for querying
and one for executing prepared statements, considering there's also an
SQL command for executing prepared statements.  Is there a particular
reason there are separate functions in libpq (aside from historical

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 experience much like composing poetry or music."
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