On 06/05/2011 03:32 AM, piscesboy wrote:
I have a process called "java" showing up in my Activity Monitor that
uses a good amount of CPU (4 - 8% average, 100 - 120% on occasion). It
reports that "launchd" is its parent process and that postgres is its

I did a ps axv|grep java and found out that it is the edb-
repserver.jar doing something periodically that consumes lots of
memory every few seconds. This is part of my replication server backup

Is there an easy way to turn this off until I need it? I don't run my
postgreSQL server a lot of the time, and having this process run
constantly wastes cpu cycles and memory. I want to turn it off until I
actually have my postgreSQL server running.

I think this belongs over at one of EnterpriseDB's support forums.


Joshua D. Drake

Command Prompt, Inc. - http://www.commandprompt.com/
PostgreSQL Support, Training, Professional Services and Development
The PostgreSQL Conference - http://www.postgresqlconference.org/
@cmdpromptinc - @postgresconf - 509-416-6579

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