
I'd like to have more comments about the following case:

. 500KB per PDF file; 30 files per year
. PSQL8.3

(1) Save pdfs to file system, only point file name in psql8.3

(2) Save oids of pdfs into table

(3) Save pdf files as bytea column in psql8.3

Pros and cons for (1), (2), (3), which is the most efficient way?

Thanks a lot!

On 05/27/2011 12:45 AM, Jasen Betts wrote:
On 2011-05-26, Bosco Rama<postg...@boscorama.com>  wrote:

   select * into temp table foo from maintable where primcol=123;
   update foo set primcol = 456;
   insert into maintable select * from foo;

You also may need this is if you intend to use the same sequence of
calls on within the same session:

   drop table foo;

Yet another way to do the same thing:


create temportary table foo on commit drop as
  select * from maintable where primcol=123;
update foo, set primcol=456;
insert into maintable select * from foo;


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