2011/5/24 Kohei Kaigai <kohei.kai...@emea.nec.com>:
> I noticed that selinux_sepgsql_context_path(3) was also got merged at 
> libselinux-2.0.83.
> So, we could check correctness of library versions using existence of this 
> function.
> Does this patch expectedly abort the configure script on older libselinux 
> installation?
> I'm not available to setup Ubuntu environment immediately.

I tried to apply your patch, and reject some lines:

ecalvo-laptop@dell-desktop:~/postgresql-9.1beta1$ cat configure.rej
--- configure.in
+++ configure.in
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@

 # for contrib/sepgsql
 if test "$with_selinux" = yes; then
-  AC_CHECK_LIB(selinux, getpeercon_raw, [],
+  AC_CHECK_LIB(selinux, selinux_sepgsql_context_path, [],
                [AC_MSG_ERROR([library 'libselinux' is required for
SELinux support])])

I'm not with CVS version, I'm using beta download. I need to update my CVS
version. at least I will apply these lines manually to test now.

              Emanuel Calvo

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