On 05/05/2011 10:35 AM, David Boreham wrote:
On 5/5/2011 8:04 AM, Scott Ribe wrote:
Actually, any of us who really tried could probably come up with a
dozen examples--more if we've been around for a while. Original
design cutting corners on power regulation; final manufacturers
cutting corners on specs; component manufacturers cutting corners on
specs or selling outright counterfeit parts...
These are excellent examples of failure causes for electronics, but
they are
not counter-examples. They're unrelated to the discussion about SSD
early lifetime hard failures.
That's really optimistic. For all we know, these problems are the
latest incarnation of something like the bulging capacitor plague circa
5 years ago. Some part that is unique to the SSDs other than the flash
cells that there's a giant bad batch of.
I think your faith in PC component manufacturing is out of touch with
the actual field failure rates for this stuff, which is produced with
enormous cost cutting pressure driving tolerances to the bleeding edge
in many cases. The equipment of the 80's and 90's you were referring to
ran slower, and was more expensive so better quality components could be
justified. The quality trend at the board and component level has been
trending for a long time toward cheap over good in almost every case
Greg Smith 2ndQuadrant US g...@2ndquadrant.com Baltimore, MD
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