>>Thanks, merlin,


>>>And in that case, what is "Natural" in LineNo? I would say, with adding 
>>>LineNo we are creating syntethic/surrogate Key (just instead of 1 surrogate 
>>>column - it will be Compound key with more columns...)? The >>>same is with 
>>>all other tables what are "parts" of an Entity, Serial Numbers, Accounting 
>>>Distribution produced by Invoice...etc etc...


Being the “first line” or the “second line” of a physical invoice is a property 
for that line.  Identifying its position on the invoice is only natural.


By your reasoning all identifiers are synthetically generated if you consider 
there is never truly only a single instance of anything in the multi-verse.  
The only truly unique identifier would be the time+place of an objects creation.


“Hello - person born in Liverpool London, St. Whatever hospital, Room 101 @ 
13:14:57AM on the 5th of March 2001 – how may I direct your call?” (I guess you 
could use the conception date as well although twins+ might be tough to 
distinguish in that case).


Generally it could be argued that any well-normalized compound key is 
inherently natural (whether left as multiple fields or concatenated into a 
single field).  The identifier that is assigned to the “part” individually is 
likely to be “synthetic” but its membership in the hierarchy naturalizes it.


David J.






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