On Apr 28, 2011, at 8:48 AM, David Boreham wrote:

> As a former card-carrying semiconductor company employee, I'm not so sure 
> about this.

Well, yes, you have a good point that in many, if not all, cases we're dealing 
with different companies. That really should have occurred to me, that 
manufacturers of SSDDs (or at least some of them) might not have an ingrained 
culture of extreme cost cutting and deceptive ratings--I'm going to use 
"feeling under the weather" as my excuse. (Of course reliability of some early 
consumer-grade SSDDs was abysmal, but that should be a fairly easy problem to 

> MTBF otoh is a mythical computed value...

It's not only mythical, it's not even remotely realistic, to the point that it 
is no exaggeration to call it a bald-faced lie. Sorry, don't remember the 
university, but there was a nice study of large numbers of disks in data 
centers, and the result was that actual lifespans were so far from MBTF specs, 
that the remaining disks would have to just about outlive the universe in order 
to get the mean near the same order of magnitude as the published numbers.

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice

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