On 04/26/2011 04:33 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
luda posch<ludaludal...@gmail.com>  writes:
I am not an expert on the official sql spec, but I think it would be useful
if distinct on() could be used within an aggregate when supplied with
another column name.  For example:

select sum(distinct on(id) order_price) from order_table;
select sum(distinct on(email_address) bounce_count) from email_bounces;
select sum(distinct on(county) area) from state_county_area;

Use another level of sub-select, eg

select sum(order_price) from
   (select distinct on(id) order_price from order_table ...) ss;

The usefulness of this doesn't really seem high enough to justify
inventing and maintaining a more compact way to handle it.

                        regards, tom lane

I thing OP was hoping for tuples of email, bounceCount. I don't read your sub-select as providing this?

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