On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 3:41 AM, Linos <i...@linos.es> wrote:
> Hi all,
>        only want to link this blog post
> http://blog.kimiensoftware.com/2011/04/top-10-missing-postgresql-features ,
> i think he may have any good points.

my take:

1. Query progress
Seen a couple of near miss proposals -- good feature, will probably
see eventually

2. Index Only Scans
visibility map could support some flavor of this in the future.  it
remains to be seen if it will actually help...

3. Session Wait Data
sounds very nice.  seems complex to implement and has some overlap
with external tools

4. Session Tracing
ditto the above.  pgfouine is pretty good and already does this

5. Multiple Block I/O
"All disk I/O goes through the OS and reads a single block at a time."
incorrect.  the o/s can read more blocks if it feels it should --
also, there are some facilities for async i/o.  I'm skeptical there is
much benefit going further here for postgres -- the storage scene is
changing fast.

6. Tablespace Quotas
Trivially done with tablespaces, although a built in solution would be
nice and probably not too tough.

7. No Logging
Beyond what's already be done and maybe a couple of corner cases, I
don't think there's much more to be done here.  There was a pretty
serious proposal for unlogged tables a while back -- I wasn't a big
fan...better to work around the facilities we have than complicate WAL
and recovery.

8. Better Export/Import Tools
I think the SQL underpinnings to pg_dump should be server side.  That
would fix a lot of the issues listed. Some of the stuff asked for we
already have but could be improved (I like dump/restore progress

9. Query Hints
I am in anti-hint camp.  I grew up without them, so learned to operate
in a different way.  Per recent discussion it's probably better to
inject assumptions into the statistics environment.

10. More Backup/Restore Options
I think the current solutions are pretty good. HS/SR, pitr, etc etc.
It's possible to rig rsync style dumps as well if you're clever.


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