On Sunday, April 24, 2011 8:01:23 pm Hyung Joo Lee wrote:
> Hi all.
> I got some error about psql pipeline.
> I input the command in shell script below :
> "shp2pgsql -d -w -I -s 987987(custom srid) test.shp test | psql -h testhost
> -d testdb"
> The problem is, when I check the table list and geometry_columns table,
> that it doesn't have schema_name "public".

What schema name does it have?

> It's like "select
> AddGeometryColumn('','test','the_geom',987987,'MULTIPOLYGON',2);"

I am sure what you are trying to show with the above?
> There's no 'public'...

Try the command below :
SHOW search_path ;

> Before "|", it doesn't have an error. I confirmed the output messege by
> using "echo".
> If I copy the command before "|" like "shp2pgsql -d -w -I -s 987987
> test.shp test", and then typing by keyboard the "| psql -h testhost -d
> testdb"
> It is working well including 'public'. It's occurred error only after
> executing shell script like $./test.sh
> How can I do? What should I change or something to do?

Well shell scripts have a restricted $PATH, which would one difference. Without 
more information it is hard to tell. In other words the rest of the script, who 
you are running the script as, who you are connecting to the database as?

> Thanks in advanced.
> Kevin Lee.
> Best Regards.

Adrian Klaver

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