Dne 21.4.2011 07:16, Phoenix Kiula napsal(a):
> Tomas,
> I did a crash log with the strace for PID of the index command as you
> suggested.
> Here's the output:
> http://www.heypasteit.com/clip/WNR
> Also including below, but because this will wrap etc, you can look at
> the link above.
> Thanks for any ideas or pointers!
> Process 15900 attached - interrupt to quit

Nope, that's the "psql" process - you need to attach to the backend
process that's created to handle the connection. Whenever you create a
connection (from a psql), a new backend process is forked to handle that
single connection - this is the process you need to strace.

You can either see that in 'ps ax' (the PID is usually +1 with respect
to the psql process), or you can do this

  SELECT pg_backend_pid();

as that will give you PID of the backend for the current connection.


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