
You would see my page about PostgreSQL 7.0.3 on WinNT:


- Kevin

Dan Wilson wrote:

> >From an earlier posting last week:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sorry for the website is not accessble that time .... but now it can be
> access at this url
> this include an easy installation of PostgreSQL v.7.0.2 for windows
> 98,2000 and NT. there is a pg guardian that automatically start and setup
> ur server and many more...:) hope you like this piece of program....
> ian
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I downloaded and installed it on my Win2K server just to see if it worked.
> It seemed to work ok, but I couldn't connect to it with PHP.  I didn't do a
> lot of troubleshooting though.
> -Dan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: carolina
> Cc: María José Ravazzani ; Federico Peña ; Alfredo Sánchez
> Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 12:20 PM
> Subject: [GENERAL] Postgres Win32
> We are a group of students of the University ORT from Uruguay. We are making
> our final project, so we can graduate of Programming Analysts. After an
> exhaustive research, we decided to use Postgres in our system, because we
> realised that it is the most suitable DB for it. The problem is that the
> company we are working for, doesn't have a Linux net, so our question is:
> Can Postgres run in Windows 95 or Windows 98? And how we can do it?
> You can write to us to:
> or to our tutor: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> thanks ver much for your help
> P/D: Sorry about the mistakes!!!

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