On Sat, 2 Apr 2011 19:26:56 +0200, "Henry C." <he...@cityweb.co.za> wrote:
> On Sat, April 2, 2011 14:17, Jens Wilke wrote:
>> Nevertheless since at least 8.4 IMO there's no need to bother with
>> manual vacuum any more.

Uhh, this is entirely untrue. There are plenty of cases where 8.4
autovacuum can't cut it.

> Sadly, in my case, the db is so busy that autovac processes run for
> and
> never catch up (insufficient h/w for the app quite frankly - the
> of

You can disable autovacuum for the relations that you are manually
vacuuming. If pre 8.4 see pg_autovacuum, if post see alter table.


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