Merlin Moncure <> writes:
> *something* must be initializing ssl, or you can't make secure
> connections from libpq.  you need to find out which pq ssl init
> function is begin called, when it is being called, and with what
> arguments. One of the main things PQInitSSL does is set up a lock
> vector which it passes to the crypto library.  The fact you are having
> blocking issues around those locks is suggesting SSL was not set up
> properly, something happened after being set up so that the locks are
> no longer good, you have application thread issue (although that
> sounds unlikely), or (least likely worst case) there is a bug in
> crypto.

Given that Erik still sees trouble when not using SSL, my money would
be on the idea that somewhere he's got two threads trying to use the
same connection object concurrently.  The SSL confusion is just one
symptom of that.

                        regards, tom lane

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