Now, I'm using my dev machine.

With the tests I'm doing, I can see the following:

If I use:

select 'seléct' as "seléct";

column name returns ok as expected.

If I do:

select 'seléct' as seléct;

This is the sequence of bytes I receive from postgresql:

byte1 - 115 UTF-8 for s
byte2 - 101 UTF-8 for e
byte3 - 108 UTF-8 for l
byte4 - 227
byte5 - 169
byte6 - 99 UTF-8 for c
byte7 - 116 UTF-8 for t

The problem lies in the byte4.
According to [1], the first byte defines how many bytes will compose
the UTF-8 char. the problem is that 227 encodes to a binary value of
1110 0011 and so, the UTF-8 decoder will think there are 3 bytes in
sequence when actually there are only 2! :( And this seems to be the
root of the problem for me.

For the select value the correct byte is returned:

byte1 - 115 UTF-8 for s
byte2 - 101 UTF-8 for e
byte3 - 108 UTF-8 for l
byte4 - 195
byte5 - 169
byte6 - 99 UTF-8 for c
byte7 - 116 UTF-8 for t

Where 195 is 1100 0011 which gives two bytes in sequence and the
decoder can decode this to the U+00E9 which is the char "é"

Do you think this can be related to my machine? I'm using OSX 10.6.6
and I compiled postgresql 9.0.1 from source code.

Thanks in advance.

[1] -

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 15:52, Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
<> wrote:
> Hmmmmmmmm,
> What would change the encoding of the identifiers?
> Because on my dev machine which unfortunately isn't with me right now
> I can't get the identifier returned correctly :(
> I remember that it returns:
>  test=*# select 'tést' as tést;
>   tst
>  ------
>   tést
> Is there any config I can change at runtime in order to have it
> returned correctly?
> Thanks in advance.
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 15:45, Andreas Kretschmer
> <> wrote:
>> Francisco Figueiredo Jr. <> wrote:
>>> What happens if you remove the double quotes in the column name identifier?
>> the same:
>> test=*# select 'tést' as tést;
>>  tést
>> ------
>>  tést
>> (1 Zeile)
>> Andreas
>> --
>> Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
>> unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
>> "If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."   (unknown)
>> Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°
>> --
>> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
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> Regards,
> Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
> Npgsql Lead Developer


Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
Npgsql Lead Developer

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