> Explains why locahost is OK, but how do I get PM to listen on *.5432

Well, you believe you already have, by telling PostgreSQL to
listen on '*'.  There might be a few different reason why it's

1) Are you editing the correct postgresql.conf file?  Do you have
   multiple ones on the filesystem somewhere?

2) Are you editing the correct directive?  It's 'listen_addresses'
   on both my 8.x and 9.x servers.  It looks like the right option
   in your original posting, have you re-typed the option name just
   to be sure a control or unprintable character wasn't accidentally

Does PostgreSQL log anything when you restart it that would suggest
which file it's looking at, or if it's complaining about the
configuration it's reading?


"Hairy ape nads."        -- Colleen, playing Neverwinter Nights

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