Hi all,

I am using postgres 9.0 under CentOS 5.5 (Dual Xeon Quad Core @ 2,44 GHz,
64GB RAM, 2TB RAID 5). In my case, postgres is used as a backend for the RDF
store Sesame.
I am trying to store a dataset that consists of approximately 900.000.000
insertions (organized in either 10 tables, or in an arbitrary number of
tables exceeding 2000). Loading the data in 10 tables takes about two days,
while in the 2nd case, an org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: out of
shared memory error is thrown.
After browsing this list, I found this post
http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-admin/2007-03/msg00215.php describing a
problem similar to mine.

The value I currently use for my shared buffers is 512mb, and 64mb for my
temp buffers. I have also tried disabling the db's logs.  Would you suggest
changing these values for optimization purposes?

I would also like to ask you if a maximum value for
max_locks_per_transaction exists, and if you have any experience
concerning how many tables I will be able to have under this maximum
value (so that I can limit my application to this number).

Thanks a lot,


Manos Karpathiotakis
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, Office B25
Management of Data & Information Knowledge Group
Panepistimioupolis, Ilissia
GR-15784 Athens, Greece
Tel: +30.210.727.5159
Fax: +30.210.727.5214
e-mail: m...@di.uoa.gr

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