Hey all

I have a question, using the autocommit off option in postgres.

As starting position I use a table called xxx.configuration using a
unique id constraint.

Why does postgres rollback the whole transaction after an error? I
compared the behavior with oracle/hsql - those dbms commit whats
possible. To illustrate my question, here are some examples:

Here is the postgres example
nasdb=# \set AUTOCOMMIT 'off'
nasdb=# insert into xxx.configuration(name, value, id) VALUES('aa',
'mm', 812); INSERT 0 1 nasdb=# insert into xxx.configuration(name,
value, id) VALUES('aa', 'mm', 813); INSERT 0 1 nasdb=# insert into
xxx.configuration(name, value, id) VALUES('aa', 'mm', 812);
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint
nasdb=# commit;

>> value with id 812 and 813 are not stored in the table due the 
>> rollback

Here is the same function using oracle:
SQL> set auto off;
SQL> insert into xxx.configuration(id,name,value) values(200,'aa','bb');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into xxx.configuration(id,name,value) values(201,'aa','bb');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into xxx.configuration(id,name,value) values(201,'aa','bb');
insert into xxx.configuration(id,name,value) values(201,'aa','bb')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (XXX.CONFIGURATION_PK) violated
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.

>> the first two inserts (id 200 and 201) are stored in the
xxx.configuration table.

Also hsqldb will insert all possible data into the db (like oracle).

Or can postgres behavior be changed to a "commit whatever is possible"


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