On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 12:58:30PM -0500, runner wrote:
> My boss is used to using Oracle where you can set the size of the files.  
So your boss wants this because a system with a completely different
architecture works that way?  Heck, I'd like the Nokia phone I bought
recently as an experiment to work anything like as well as my three
year old iphone, too, but that's not the way of the world.

I suspect that your boss wants this because of a preconceived notion
of what the WAL is doing, and worries about what it would do if it
worked the same way as Oracle.  In particular, you might want to ask
your boss if his worry is running out of rollback segments.  We don't
have that problem.  (We have other ones, and one of them will be made
worse if you make these files bigger.)

I'll bet a pretty good lunch this isn't what you want, although it's
still barely possible that it is.


Andrew Sullivan

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