I've also tried renaming 'Alex' to a temp. value:

# update drupal_users set name='Alex_1972' where name='Alex';

# INSERT INTO drupal_users (uid, name, mail, created, access)
 SELECT user_id, username, user_email, user_regdate, user_lastvisit
   FROM phpbb_users
   WHERE user_id > 50 and length(username) > 0 and username <> 'Alex';
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "drupal_users_name_key"

# select username, user_id from phpbb_users where exists
 (select 1 from drupal_users
   where drupal_users.name = phpbb_users.username);
 username | user_id
(0 rows)

so there must be a duplicated username in the source table
phpbb_users, but how could I find that record?

Thank you

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