On 4 March 2011 23:15, Sebastien Boisvert <sebastienboisv...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>  I know the second is the database's directory, the last is the pg_attribute
> table (in this example), but I haven't figured out what the first is.

I think that the first is probably the tablespace:

postgres=# select oid,* from pg_tablespace;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------
oid         | 1663
spcname     | pg_default
spcowner    | 10
spclocation |
spcacl      |
spcoptions  |
-[ RECORD 2 ]-----------
oid         | 1664
spcname     | pg_global
spcowner    | 10
spclocation |
spcacl      |
spcoptions  |

Peter Geoghegan

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