If getting the output of the query is all u want then u can spol the
output of the query to a file..
I think it is done using 
\o ..
Hope this helps
On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 04:36:10PM +0000, Steve Heaven wrote:
>The COPY ....  TO  filename doesnt seem to work.
>Copying a table works OK. If Copy from a view isnt allowed how can I get
>the results of a query into an external file?
>=> \d top_hits
>View    = top_hits
>Query   = SELECT "company"."name", "co_hits"."hits" FROM "company",
>"co_hits" WHERE ("co_hits"."number" = "company"."number");  
>=>copy top_hits to STDOUT;
>Copy command returns...     
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