On Tue, 2011-03-01 at 15:57 -0500, Bill Moran wrote:
> In response to Magnus Reftel <magnus.ref...@gmail.com>:
> > 
> > I'm working on a database that will have a very large number of users, and 
> > I'm running in to a problem: when I grant more than about 2500 users access 
> > to a schema, I get
> > 
> > my_db=# grant usage on schema my_schema to some_user;
> > ERROR:  row is too big: size 8168, maximum size 8164
> > 
> > This of course makes access control tricky on high user-count setups.
> > 
> > On IRC, linuxpoet and andres suggested that the problem is that the nspacl 
> > column in pg_catalog.pg_namespace grows too large. A suggested fix by 
> > linuxpoet adds a toast table to pg_namespace. A potentially dangerous 
> > work-around suggested by andres is to alter the pg_namespace table while 
> > temporarily having allow_system_table_mods on. That seems to have made the 
> > symptom go away for me, but I'm not sure of what consequences the change 
> > had. Spontaneously, it seems to me that ACL entries could be stored as rows 
> > in a table instead of as elements in an array, but I'm definitely not 
> > qualified to comment on PostgreSQL implementation issues.
> > 
> > Do you agree with linuxpoet's fix? If so, when do you think it is 
> > reasonable to include it?
> I would think that a better solution would be to follow best practices and
> create roles and put users in those roles, so you don't have to have so
> many grants on objects.

Well, yes and no. There is no technical reason (that I know of) that we
don't toast those tables. It would be good for him to follow best
practices but considering he did run into the bug/oversight and it does
appear to be arbitrary, there is no reason to not fix it.


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