On 1 March 2011 09:36, Alex <alexadr...@virgilio.it> wrote: > Good morning, > > I'm trying to make a Postgre profiler reading > pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity. > But when I read that view... I always find my query. > > Example: > > ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT query_start,current_query FROM > pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity where xact_start is not null"); > while(rs.next()) { > String sQuery = rs.getString("current_query"); > qStart = rs.getTimestamp("query_start"); > if(!qStart.equals(qStart_last)){ > display.append(sQuery+'\n'); > qStart_last=(Timestamp)qStart.clone(); > } > } > > Always prints "SELECT query_start,current_query FROM > pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity where xact_start is not null" :) > > I'd like to discard my query... any ideas? > > Thanks > > If you want just to get rid of you query, add this to your query:
and procpid <> pg_backend_pid() so you will have something like this: SELECT query_start,current_query FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity where xact_start is not null and procpid <> pg_backend_pid() regards Szymon