On Thursday, February 24, 2011 3:48:35 pm Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On Thursday, February 24, 2011 3:34:02 pm Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
> > Hi.  We're running Postgres 8.4.4 everywhere.
> > 
> > I already have a pg_dump -Fc of the big table from the source, now
> > I am running a pg_dump -Fc on the recipient, to see if the size is
> > different.
> I thought you already had a pg_dump file that you where restoring to the
> second db?
> > Then I will run a pg_dump as text, so I can diff the two files if they
> > are different in size.
> You don't need to do that if the pg_dump was done using -Fc. You can use
> pg_restore to dump a table to a file instead of a database. When it does
    Oops typo   ^^^^ should be restore

> that the file will contain a plain text copy. Something like:
> pg_restore -a -t really_big_table -f really_big_table_data.sql
> Where -a is data only
> > Thanks!!
> > Aleksey

Adrian Klaver

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