
I found the issue and of course as you already suspected it was not postgres 

Thanks a lot for doing such a great job,

--- On Fri, 2/18/11, Ioana Danes <ioanasoftw...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

> From: Ioana Danes <ioanasoftw...@yahoo.ca>
> Subject: [GENERAL] Logged statement apparently did not commited...
> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Received: Friday, February 18, 2011, 1:43 PM
> Hello Everyone,
> I would like to kindly ask for your help regarding a
> strange situation I meet yesterday. It might not be a
> postgres issue but I run out of ideas on what to test or
> check and so far I could not reproduce the behavior.
> I have 2 (master - slave) postgres 9.0.3 databases running
> on SLES 11 PATCHLEVEL 1 (x86_64). For the slave I am using a
> statement based replication (terracotta)...
> I have a cron that runs at 1:00am and checks if the dbs are
> in sync (it exports the data on a text file and makes a diff
> on the files generated on the 2 dbs). 
> 2 days ago I've got differences for a table and I started
> to investigate the problem.
> Postgres log is enabled on both dbs and I could compare the
> statements. The same statements appear in postgres log on
> both dbs in the same order, no errors or weird stuff. So the
> dbs should be in sync.
> That table holds temporary information for an item. So
> there are inserts and updates on that table for an item
> (key1) and whenever that item expires all the data for that
> item gets deleted:
> insert into mytable (key1, key2, keyval) values (1019, 1,
> 50);
> insert into mytable (key1, key2, keyval) values (1019, 2,
> 100);
> insert into mytable (key1, key2, keyval) values (1019, 3,
> 10);
> update mytable set keyval = 51 where key1 =1019 and key2 =
> 1;
> update mytable set keyval = 102 where key1 =1019 and key2 =
> 2;
> insert into mytable (key1, key2, keyval) values (1019, 4,
> 10);
> ...
> delete from mytable where key1 = 1019;
> From the script that compares the 2 dbs it looks like the
> delete statement for a particular item did not commited on
> the slave. On the master there were no records for the item
> with key1 = 1019 but on db2 there were all the records
> generated by the insert and update statements....(I did
> extracted the insert and update statement from the log and
> it is exactly what the difference is). So it looks pretty
> clear that the delete did not commited on the slave. The
> delete statement appears in postgres log with begin and
> commit transaction and no errors.
> The autovacuum is on and it gives a little information on
> what happened between 2 autovacuums:
> before autovacuum there are 19 records in the key table for
> key1= 1019
> first autovacuum:
> 2011-02-16 13:12:41.088
> CST,,,10691,,4d5c21a9.29c3,1,,2011-02-16 13:12:41
> CST,5/9551,0,LOG,00000,"automatic vacuum of table ""..."":
> index scans: 1
> pages: 0 removed, 1 remain
> tuples: 65 removed, 19 remain
> between the autovacuums there are:
> 14 inserts for key1 = 1019
> 47 updates for key1 = 1019
> 25 inserts for key1 = 1021
> 98 updates for key1 = 1021
> 33 records deleted for key1 = 1019
> the second autovacuum:
> 2011-02-16 13:52:20.358
> CST,,,10868,,4d5c2af4.2a74,1,,2011-02-16 13:52:20
> CST,5/9795,0,LOG,00000,"automatic vacuum of table ""..."":
> index scans: 1
> pages: 0 removed, 2 remain
> tuples: 98 removed, 58 remain
> It looks like autovacuum only removed the dead tuples
> generated by the 98 updates on key 1021 and none of the dead
> tuples generated by the update and delete on item 1019... 
> Can this be on any help? Does anyone have an idea where
> else to look for clues?
> Thank you for your time,
> Ioana
> -- 
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