On 02/22/2011 12:06 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Reid Thompson <reid.thomp...@ateb.com> writes:
>> What am I missing that causes this to resort to sorting on disk?
> The in-memory space required to sort N tuples can be significantly
> larger than the on-disk space, because the latter representation is
> optimized to be small and the in-memory representation not so much.
> I haven't seen a 3X differential before, but it's not outside the realm
> of reason, especially for narrow rows like these where it's all about
> the overhead.  I suspect if you crank work_mem up still more, you'll see
> it switch over.  It flips to on-disk sort when the in-memory
> representation exceeds the limit ...
>                       regards, tom lane

ahh, ok; the underlying cpn.value table is 11 GB so I understand how even 
slightly less optimized representation could be
significantly larger than ~300MB/900MB


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