

On Unix systems Postgres process list can be  accessible through 'ps'
ps auxww | grep ^postgres
$ ps auxww | grep ^postgres
postgres   960  0.0  1.1  6104 1480 pts/1    SN   13:17   0:00
postmaster -i
postgres   963  0.0  1.1  7084 1472 pts/1    SN   13:17   0:00 postgres:
stats buffer process   
postgres   965  0.0  1.1  6152 1512 pts/1    SN   13:17   0:00 postgres:
stats collector process   
postgres   998  0.0  2.3  6532 2992 pts/1    SN   13:18   0:00 postgres:
tgl runbug idle
postgres  1003  0.0  2.4  6532 3128 pts/1    SN   13:19   0:00 postgres:
tgl regression [local] SELECT waiting
postgres  1016  0.1  2.4  6532 3080 pts/1    SN   13:19   0:00 postgres:
tgl regression [local] idle in transaction
And each client connection has its command line which displays in form:

postgres: user database host activity

Is there any way to hide dbname and user name in displayed arguments of
client connections? 




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