In response to Andy Colson <>:

> On 2/10/2011 4:18 PM, Bill Moran wrote:
> >
> > We have this kickass solution we built at work called dbsteward that
> > just takes care of all of this for us, automatically.  You just give
> > it the new version and the old version and it generates update statements
> > to feed into PG.
> >
> > The reason I'm bringing this up is that we're working to release
> > dbsteward as open source for PGCon.  So, if you can wait a bit, you
> > can jump on that train.
> >
> > In response to Andy Colson<>:
> >
> But... that assumes all updates are DDL only?  What if I have a lookup 
> table, and want to add some new entries into it?

It has provisions for maintaining static data as well.  We have a bunch
of lookup tables (too many, in my opinion) and it does an excellent job
of maintaining them.  They just need to have a primary key, but that's
not usually a problem with lookup tables.

Bill Moran

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