Le 26/01/2011 22:29, Lawrence Cohan a écrit :
> Trying to get some DDL auditing in a development environment by adding 
> triggers to pg_proc, pg_class,pg_type,pg_trigger and getting the following 
> error:
> ERROR: permission denied: "pg_proc" is a system catalog
> SQL state: 42501
> Is there any way to achieve DDL auditing in Postgres and trace any 
> new/dropped/changed object into a table?

No. If there was, it would open new great possibilities for tools like
Slony or Londiste.

> All I need is to at least be able and save a userid(current_user), timestamp, 
> action, and the name of the object and this could be done easily by adding 
> triggers to these pg catalogs.

Nope, sorry. You can't add triggers on system catalogs.


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