2011/1/14 Jon Smark <jon.sm...@yahoo.com>:
> Hi,
> This thread has veered off-topic, but my original problem still remains.
> Basically, I want to declare a function that returns a tuple consisting
> of an integer and a set of table rows.  Something like the following:
> CREATE FUNCTION foobar () RETURNS (int4, SETOF users)

you have to use a array

CREATE FUNCTION foo(... OUT total int, OUT _users users[])

there are no other way


Pavel Stehule

> Now, if I understand correctly, the only way to have a function return
> a tuple is to create a named record and have the function return that
> record:
>  (
>  total  int4
>  users  SETOF users
>  )
> Which is of course not grammatical.  So, how does one solve this problem
> in PL/pgSQL?
> Thanks in advance!
> Jon

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