On Sunday 10 December 2000 07:23, Abe wrote:
> This is probably an easy question for most but here goes:
> I am using PHP3 and postgres 6.5
> I am trying to do a search on a peoples database and it works fine except
> for the fact that I want to make it case insensitive as some in the
> database are Smith and some are jones. Is this a scripting thing or can it
> be done in my query.
> Here is the query:
> $sql = "select surname, firstname, title, company, worktel, ext, hometel,
> mobile, email, emailtwo from employees where firstname like '%$criteria%'
> or surname like '%$criteria%'";
> Thanks in advance,
> Abe
There is also a case insensitive regular expression operator (~*) but I don't
know if its faster than the two upper() function calls and it is
$sql = "select surname, firstname, title, company, worktel, ext, hometel,
mobile, email, emailtwo from employees where firstname ~* '{$criteria}'
or surname ~* '{$criteria}'";
See Bruce Momjian's book:
LIKE expressions:
Regular expressions:
-------- Robert B. Easter [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------
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