Dear All,

We are using Postgresql 9.0.1(binary) in our Java Application.

In some windows xp sp3 machines, we found that the executable files related to postgresql are not working. while executing those files(ex: initdb.exe), following error thrown in console "The system cannot execute the specified program" .Other executable files not related to postgresql working fine.

By comparing working and non-working machines, came to know that some *.VC90.* files and directories are missing from C:\Windows\WinSxS\

Then we copied *.VC90.*  related files and directories from C:\Windows\WinSxS\Manifests\ ,C:\Windows\WinSxS\Policies\ (working system) to non-working system.
After that, executable files under postgresql seems to be working but facing locale problems.(ex:Informations are in swedish).

If any one knows please help me out.

Thanks in Advance.


Prabakaran A

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