Sorry: that is because the major part of my E-mail got chopped off...
Herewith I am resending it:


Dear list,

To rule out any double combination of two identifiers, in any order, I
applied the following constraint to a table:

  object_id INTEGER,
  subject_id INTEGER,
  CONSTRAINT "EXCL_double_combi" EXCLUDE USING btree (imm_LEAST(subject_id,
object_id) WITH =, imm_GREATEST(subject_id, object_id) WITH =)

The imm_xxxxx functions are IMMUTABLE wrappers around LEAST() and GREATEST()
respectively, in order to get the index to work...

pgsql Command "\d test" produces the following:
       Table "public.test"
   Column   |  Type   | Modifiers
 object_id  | integer |
 subject_id | integer |
    "EXCL_double_combi" EXCLUDE USING btree (imm_least(subject_id,
object_id) WITH =, imm_greatest(subject_id, object_id) WITH =)

As I read it, an indexed in indeed being maintained, however it is not
regarded a CONSTRAINT... Yet, the set-up works as like a charm :)) This
online example shows a different summary:
Would this be an earlier / older version of PostgreSQL? I'm running 9.0.2,
on Windows 7

By the way: has any one experience using EXCLUDE constraint inside
Enterprise Architect? Since this is a pretty new database feature, it seems
not yet supported by EA?

Looking forward to any of you sharing your experiences,
kind regards,


2010/12/27 Richard Broersma <>

> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 8:31 AM, Rob Marjot <>
> wrote:
> > Dear list,
> > To rule out any double combination of two identifiers, in any order, I
> > applied the following constraint to a table:
> > CREATE TABLE test(object_id INTEGER, subject_id INTEGER, CONSTRAINT
> I don't see the definition of your constraint.
> --
> Regards,
> Richard Broersma Jr.

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