
This I think should work.

To get the usernames by hour as you describe:

SELECT h.hour, usrlog.userid
(select generate_series(1,24) as hour) as h
inner join
on h.hour >= usrlog.loginhr and h.hour <= usrlog.logouthr
order by h.hour, usrlog.userid;

To get the number of users per hour :

Select h.hour, count(*) asNumberOfUsers
(select generate_series(1,24) as hour) h
inner join
on h.hour >= usrlog.loginhr and h.hour <= usrlog.logouthr
group by h.hour;



2010-12-23 skrev Satish Burnwal (sburnwal) :

I need a help in writing a query. I have data as follows:
>mydb=# select * from usrlog ;
> logid |  userid  | loginhr | logouthr 
>     0 | sburnwal |       0 |        1
>     1 | rickyrs   |       1 |        5
>     2 | satishbn |       1 |        6
>     3 | taohujin |       2 |        4
>     4 | jospehm |       4 |        5
>Table captures the login and logout time (taking hour here to simplify)
>of users and my aim to find the number of logged-in users (online users)
>at every hr (1st hr i.e. 0-1, 2nd hrs i.e. 1-2, 3rd hr i.e. 2-3 and ...
>so on). As the data indicates, use is not logging out in same hr as hr
>of login. A user can be logged-in for more than one hr. For example,
>here user rickyrs is logged-in for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th  and 5th hr. My
>query needs to find out in the last 24 hrs, how many users were
>logged-in at each hr. I want the result this way:
>Nth-hr           user
>1              sburnwal
>2              rickyrs
>2              satishbn
>3              rickyrs
>3              satishbn
>3              taohujin
>4              rickyrs
>4              satishbn
>4              taohujin
>4              josephm
>Appreciate your response in advance. For me, even the count of users on
>hourly basis is fine.
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