I built and installed -9.0.1 on my Slackware-13.1 server and it ran for a
while. Now, without warning, one of my applications dependent upon postgres
won't run. While trying to restart postgres I learned the .pid file did not
exist so I removed /tmp/.s.PGSQL* and tried to restart postgres.

  Here's what I see:

postg...@salmo:$ postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data &
[1] 16044
postg...@salmo:/var/log/httpd$ LOG:  could not open directory
"/share/timezone": No such file or directory
LOG:  could not open directory "/share/timezone": No such file or directory
LOG:  could not open directory "/share/timezone": No such file or directory
LOG:  could not open directory "/share/timezone": No such file or directory
LOG:  could not open directory "/share/timezone": No such file or directory
WARNING:  could not open directory "/share/timezonesets": No such file or
HINT:  This may indicate an incomplete PostgreSQL installation, or that the
file "/bin/postgres" has been moved away from its proper location.
FATAL:  invalid value for parameter "timezone_abbreviations": "Default"

  The files and directories are in /usr/local/pgsql/share:

postg...@salmo:$ ls /usr/local/pgsql/share/
conversion_create.sql   postgres.bki            sql_features.txt
doc/                    postgres.description    system_views.sql
information_schema.sql  postgres.shdescription  timezone/
man/                    postgresql.conf.sample  timezonesets/
pg_hba.conf.sample      psqlrc.sample           tsearch_data/
pg_ident.conf.sample    recovery.conf.sample    unknown.pltcl
pg_service.conf.sample  snowball_create.sql

  What do I do to overcome this impasse and get postgres running again?


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