"Gauthier, Dave" <dave.gauth...@intel.com> writes:
> ls -1 | wc took a while for the other bad one but eventually came up
> with exactly 7,949,911 files, so yes, millions.  The other one had
> millions too before I dropped it.  Something is clearly wrong.

No doubt, but it's impossible to tell what from just the bare statement
that you had a lot of unexpected files.

Did you happen to notice the timestamps on those files --- eg, were
there recent ones, or were they all old?  Do you use a lot of temporary
tables?  Have you had a lot of crashes in this database?

>> This is PG v 8.3.4 on linux.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to update to 8.3.something-recent.

                        regards, tom lane

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