Dear all,
I am doing some Performance tuning in Pgsql. I have changed several
Parameters in postgresql.conf file. Now I want to change my pg_xlog
directory to another disk.
I followed the below steps :
cd /hrd2-p/postgres_data
/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 stop
mkdir -p /opt/pg_xlog
chown -R postgres.postgres /opt/pg_xlog
chmod 700 /opt/pg_xlog
cp -rf pg_xlog/* /opt/pg_xlog
mv pg_xlog pg_xlog_old
ln -s /opt/pg_xlog pg_xlog
/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start
But me server fail to start and there is empty log in startup.log. I also
checked my permissions and directories are owned by postgres user.
Is I am failing something and there is some simple way.
Also, i want to know after Performance tuning following the below link :
How much our performance increases.
I am selecting data from 5Gb file and it takes 229477 ms.
Still i execute same query in 226977 ms after some tuning.
Please help.
Best Regards
Adarsh Sharma
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