> Can you please explain why? ( just curious, this seems a very strange
> requirement )

I'm on some research for election systems - an interesting field. On one
hand there is a requirement of realiablility, so there is the need for
stable and proven software and backups of systems for example. On the
other hand transparency is also very important, so backing up using a
simple pg_dump is more comprehensible than using a dedicated tool to
users and administrators. Of course there is no unencrypted data in the
database - but maintaining the order of insertions in a dumpfile to a
specific table could theoretically leak some kind of information, hence
the question.

I'm not aware of any database where I can influence the on-disk order
directly, but there may be some hints I'm probably missing (even a
vacuum full will only compact the datafile as far as I know but not
reoder it accoring to an index or something).


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