On 2010-11-24, Daniel Verite <dan...@manitou-mail.org> wrote:
>       Fredric Fredricson wrote:
>> But if you change the column names in the second SELECT in the UNION this is
>> ignored:
>> # SELECT c1,c2 FROM (SELECT 1 AS c1, 2 AS c2 UNION SELECT 2 AS c3, 1 AS c4)
>> AS x;
>>  c1 | c2 
>> ----+----
>>   1 |  2
>>   2 |  1
>> Apparently, in a UNION the column names are derived from the first statement
>> only.
> The example upthread demonstrates that in certain contexts, column positions
> are relevant whereas column names are not. The modified query you show here
> doesn't lead to any different conclusion.
> The allegation that row.* doesn't come with a deterministic column order
> remains pretty much unsubstantiated at this point.

It's deterministic, just subject to change (eg if the table is
re-created with a different order, or if a column is dropped and

I try to always use column and table names when dealing with tables
other people could mess with.

If dealing with a temp table I sometimes take shortcuts as the source
is all in one place, so anyone messing with it will hopefully be aware
of the consequences of their actions.

⚂⚃ 100% natural

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