thanks a lot for the hints.

client side logging: the user name corresponds to the expected user, without
the domain prefix ("rsc"). See the full log output below.

security event log: I should get that shortly from our IT.
Regards, Reto

29.11.2010 10:37:17 4412 Debug Entering
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: HOST = <ip>
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: PORT = 5432
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: PROTOCOL = 3
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: DATABASE = some_db
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: USER ID =
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: PASSWORD =
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: SSL = False
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: SSLMODE = Disable
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: TIMEOUT = 15
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: SEARCHPATH =
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: POOLING = True
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: CONNECTIONLIFETIME =
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: MINPOOLSIZE = 1
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: MAXPOOLSIZE = 20
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: SYNCNOTIFICATION =
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: COMMANDTIMEOUT = 20
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: ENLIST = False
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: PRELOADREADER =
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: USEEXTENDEDTYPES =
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: INTEGRATED SECURITY
= true
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug ConnectionString Option: COMPATIBLE =
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug Entering NpgsqlConnection.Open()
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug Get NpgsqlClosedState.Instance
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug Get NpgsqlClosedState.Instance
29.11.2010 10:37:18 4412 Debug Entering NpgsqlClosedState.Open()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Attempt to connect to '<ip>'.
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Normal Connected to: <ip>:5432.
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering NpgsqlStartupPacket.WriteToStream()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug String written: user.
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug String written: rsc.
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug String written: database.
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug String written: some_db.
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug String written: DateStyle.
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug String written: ISO.
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug AuthenticationRequest message received from
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering NpgsqlStartupState.Authenticate()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering NpgsqlPasswordPacket.WriteToStream()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug String written: NTLMSSP 
??                (
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug AuthenticationRequest message received from
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering NpgsqlStartupState.Authenticate()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering NpgsqlPasswordPacket.WriteToStream()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
29.11.2010 10:37:19 4412 Debug String written: NTLMSSP      t     ?   
 H     `     f       ?   ?"(
   T E S T . X Y Z - D E r s c T R I D E N T ????J?#0
?n^V?1d1m?5???7O+???? .
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug String read: FATAL.
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug String read: XX000.
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug String read: could not accept SSPI security
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug String read: The logon attempt failed
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug String read: .\src\backend\libpq\auth.c.
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug String read: 621.
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug String read: pg_SSPI_error.
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Debug ErrorResponse message from Server: could not
accept SSPI security context.
29.11.2010 10:37:21 4412 Normal An NpgsqlException occured: FATAL: XX000:
could not accept SSPI security context.

2010/11/23 Brar Piening <>

> On Mon, 22 Nov 2010 13:43:14 +0100, Magnus Hagander <>
> wrote:
>> Hmm. That's a simple SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED. Simply meaning
>> usedname/password is incorrect. The security eventlog on the server
>> (or domain controller) might have more information around it. If not,
>> I'm not sure what's wrong there - if it happens only in npgsql it must
>> be related to that. Or perhaps - based on your reproduction - the .net
>> app is running with a different user than you think?
> If you've got access to the sources of your client app that uses Npgsql you
> might want to put :
>            NpgsqlEventLog.Level = LogLevel.Debug;
>            NpgsqlEventLog.LogName = @"C:\somePath\NpgsqlEventLog.txt";
> in the code before the first call of NpgsqlConnection.Open() to find out
> details about the user name that's actually connecting.
> Just look for
> Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
> String written: user.
> Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
> after
> Entering NpgsqlStartupPacket.NpgsqlStartupPacket()
> Entering NpgsqlStartupPacket.WriteToStream()
> Entering NpgsqlStartupPacket.WriteToStream_Ver_3()
> Regards,
> Brar

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