Am 22.11.2010 08:32, schrieb Adarsh Sharma:
I am reading about Dialects of different databases. Yet I can't
understand what is the need of dialect in Postgres or any other like
Hibernate uses Dialect of all Databases for ORM.
What is it &
As far as I know, the term dialect is used to express the fact that each
DBMS has it's own implementation of SQL though they have a lot that
works the same.
Like you might find that most of PG's commands work similar to say
Oracle but there are still differences.
Or Postgresql has "serials" while MySQL has "autoincrement" (not sure)
and MS-Access has "AutoValue" or however it might be in english. Thats 3
times a different name for basically the same thing.
That's what I understood as dialect in the realm of IT systems.
Maybe Hibernate uses just a certain subset of commands that is proven to
work the same in every "dialect". This has the benefit that there is no
special Hibernate for every DBMS but on the otherhand it omits
advantages of individual DBMS which are not to be found in other DBMS'
"dialects" of SQL.
How can we create our own Dialect ?
You don't.
They happen.
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